June 21,2009 – TAKING ON GOD’S VISION, Nehemiah Series

What would you do if you went to a high school reunion where you met up with old friends and you learned your hometown had suffered a devastating disaster? Would you turn to God in prayer, asking what God would have you do? A man in the Bible did just that.

This week begins our study of Nehemiah, a man who simply referred to himself as God’s servant. This first week we hear what he did when he learned his beloved city, Jerusalem, from which the Israelites were exiled, was in ruins. Deeply distraught, he prayed about it. Yet, even though this terrible event had happened, Nehemiah saw God as still closely involved in the peoples’ lives. Sunday we will see how Nehemiah’s mission emerged out of that time of serious prayer. It’s an exciting story and I can’t wait for us to hear it!

To prepare for Sunday read: Nehemiah 1:1-11 and Nehemiah 2:1-8

Then think about this question when you pray: What concern in your world might God be bringing to your attention?



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