September 21, 2008 – “Come On, Let’s Go!”

The call of Abram in Genesis 12 is one of the most famous calls of the Bible. Because it is an important call, your study will be greatly enhanced by reading the story ahead of time to keep it in mind during the week. You can enrich your experience too by attending adult Sunday School, which is also studying the story of Abraham. Led by Janet Stahl, a team of teachers use the technique of storytelling to teach the class. Last week all the youth participated as Sharon Ingram shared that week’s story from a child’s point of view. It was great fun; laughter abounded; and questions were freely discussed. Attending Sunday School will help you make the most of this faith-building story, which is very relevant to our lives today.

As you read the story this week, put yourself into it just for fun, and imagine being called like Abram. What would your response be? Abram’s response was both a “faith” response, and an “action” response. He “saw” the God who is invisible and heard his voice. That’s the faith element. Then Abram packed up all his possessions and he and his family went. That’s the action element.

Notice the verbs that God spoke, and how many times the word “blessing” is mentioned. Be encouraged by that. Abram was, and that’s why he responded. Abram was not alone. Because of his hearing the call, the whole family was compelled to go. God is like that – irresistible.

Read the Sermon: “Come On, Let’s Go!”


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