October 5, 2008 – Honoring the Promise Maker

Abram is known as a man of great faith. Abram’s focus was more on worship of God than on what he received. Last week we saw the results of Abram’s trust in God when he generously gave his nephew, Lot, what he could have claimed for himself. God seemed to be training Abram about the meaning of sacrificial living. It was clear his relationship with God, not just what he received from God, was of great value to him.

In this week’s Scripture, we see the results of that newfound spiritual life as Abram and his clan’s rescue of Lot ends in decisive victory over four great armies. Again, Abram does not cling to the booty, but pays tithes to King Melchizedek to show his subordination to God Most High. That is, Abram served God first. Even when the temptation comes to keep the spoil, Abram’s vision seems so clear that he is to trust only God’s provision and not get sidetracked by the lure of possessions.

Do you have this same vision? How clear are you on the fact that to honor God as your provider is an act of worship and shows your sacrificial lifestyle?

  • What does tithing have to do with spiritual life? How is tithing different from “meeting the church’s budget?”

Read the Sermon: Honoring the Promise Maker


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