November 1, 2009 – God Speaks Loving Truth

STORYTELLERS George Huttar & Scott Hartless

How easy it is to fall into sin. It happened to King David and happens to us too. David’s attempt to hide his sin led him into deeper and deeper trouble, and the resultant pain spread to numerous innocent people around him. Mostly David felt this unrelenting guilt. Read Psalm 51 where he expresses his feelings and talks to God about his punishment.

Sin affects the whole community, therefore Paul instructs us in how to handle relationships with one another when a fellow believer becomes trapped in wrongdoing and needs to find a way out. This week we’ll talk about what’s necessary to rise above sin and find restoration and reconciliation.

You can prepare by reading 1 Corinthians 5:1-5; 2 Corinthians 2:5-8; 2 Samuel 12:1-15

  • Then ask: Do you believe God offers second chances when we fall into sin? He does! Spend some time with God confessing any guilt you might have, receiving forgiveness from God, and then forgiving yourself.

READ THE SERMON:  God Speaks Loving Truth


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