Wise Men (and Women!) Still Seek Him

December 22, 2019

Book: Jeremiah

Wise Men (and Women!) Still Seek Him

Scripture: Jeremiah 31:31-37

Sunday is the fourth Sunday of Advent. Christmas draws nigh. Has your busyness ceased or increased? Jeremiah stood between the people and God to listen for the message God had for the people. This took quiet persistence. In like manner the wise men quietly watched the star to be led by it. Persistence and intention drove them to seek the divine child defined as “wonderful, counselor, Mighty God, everlasting Father . . .” This Sunday at 10:30 worship we talk about the love of our Everlasting Father.


On Tuesday, December 24, the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service takes place at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, enjoy Christmas Day with your family. Sunday, December 29 at 10:30, experience an old fashioned Christmas Carol sing. Then Sunday January 5, 2020 Ross Shipman preaches to begin the New Year. Merry Christmas!

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