Why Forgive? And How to Do It

June 19, 2016

Book: Genesis

Why Forgive? And How to Do It

Scripture: Genesis 33

If you heard about brothers who got into a rift over the family wealth, and the result of that rift was that one of the brothers stole the inheritance, would you predict that the split could ever be overcome? Probably not. You might predict that the injured party would retaliate or suffer mental anguish or never speak to his brother again. When you think of the Bible stories about Jacob and Esau which story comes to your mind? Perhaps it is the one where Esau EMBRACES his estranged brother. What a shock! The offended one forgave. How did he do it? Hear ADELMO RUIZ tell the story.


Sunday we talk about Why Forgive and How to Do It. The topic is relevant to everyday family life. We also have a treat as some friends comes to share with us as they take their son to college. The worship service begins at 10:30, Sunday School for all ages at 9:15. RECEPTION for our friends in FELLOWSHIP HALL right after worship. I can’t wait to see you!


READ Genesis 33

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