Where Fair-Weather Christianity Stops

September 9, 2018

Series: Why Pray?

Topic: Prayer

Book: Ephesians, Ezra

Bible Text: Ezra 8:21-25, Ephesians 6:10-13, 18 | Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ginger Hertenstein | Series: Why Pray?

I asked a wise friend, “what is wrong with the church?” If you go to seminars, workshops, and conferences you will likely hear about all kinds of programs that deepen discipleship, that teach church staff how to grow their churches, and materials to purchase for building the latest program. But my friend’s simple response to the question what is wrong with the church? “They are not praying,” she said.

Ezra was a priest who was leading Israel back to Jerusalem after the exile. It was a joyous time. But that did not make the return any less dangerous. That did not make enemies less lethal. So Ezra insisted on earnest prayer when they set out. And it paid off! God came through. Hear the rest of this powerful story in worship at 10:30. Sunday school begins for all ages at 9:15. See you then!

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