When it is Most Improbable, God Acts

December 4, 2016

Topic: Advent

Book: Isaiah

Scripture: Isaiah 11:1-9

Each fall the women at FPCD make food, crafts, quilts, gifts baskets, and items for kids to sell at a “dinner auction.” If you have not been to these dinners, you will feel like you are eating in Little Italy with their fabulous spaghetti! Once your belly is full, sit back, relax, and bid on items for your Christmas list. It’s for children and adults alike. All of this takes place to raise money for missions and the church. It starts at 6:00 sharp.


Then tomorrow we continue our journey into the second week of Advent. Isaiah is our guide. As Charles Dickens said, It was the best of times and the worst of times. It was a time of wisdom and the age of foolishness. It was the epoch of belief and an incredulous time. Sound like today? It’s wonderful that Isaiah addresses relevant issues, and in the midst, speaks of the greatest overriding blessing. Let’s talk about it! Sunday School at 9:15 for all ages and worship service at 10:30. See you there!


READ Isaiah 11:1-9

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