What is Really Real? The Reality of the Physical?

June 24, 2018

Series: John

Topic: Jesus, Problems

Book: John

Scripture: John 11:1-45

Bible Text: John 11:1-45 | Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ginger Hertenstein | Series: John

Imagine a life and death situation happening in your church or to one of your friends. You are a believer. Sometimes those scenarios make us question–is the spiritual really real? You know about the fantastic rescues in Scripture, but do they matter in 2018? Do they make sense in the 21st Century? What is really real?

If someone in your church was in such a situation and you were the pastor, would you preach that week about the raising of Lazarus? That happened to us so I called an experienced pastor. “This person may not make it and I am preaching on Lazarus being raised from the dead. What should I do?” The pastor paused briefly. “Preach it,” he said.

In facing these fantastic Scriptures, we begin to see the reality of the spiritual. I preached it as the pastor advised. The injured party is now eleven years old and running around the church, vibrant, and in love with Jesus. If you would like to grow your faith, come to First Presbyterian this Sunday. Sunday School is at 9:15 and worship at 10:30. Let your faith be stretched. Take a look at the spiritual and you decide. I can’t wait to see you!

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