Thriving, Not Just Surviving

October 23, 2016

Book: Galatians

Thriving, Not Just Surviving

Each month the youth at First Presbyterian host the worship service. Because we take seriously the call of God to teach our children, they do much more than simply assisting adults. They take charge of the service by reading Scripture, writing and performing skits, teaching the Children’s Moment, and leading in prayer. This Sunday two of our “Impact Youth Group” (pre-teens) lead a congregational song. Fourth Sunday music is contemporary and includes a band. ROSS SHIPMAN preaches.


This Sunday Dameron Growe and Brandon Johnson join us in presenting, “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother.” This is a sneak preview of our Ten Churches’ Community in Unity Event, on October 29, 2:00-6:30 pm at Armstrong Park. (see details above!)


Join us Sunday! 9:15 for Sunday School and 10:30 for Worship. I can’t wait to see you!


READ: Galatians 5:16-23 and Isaiah 40:28-31

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