Their Voice Goes Out

October 16, 2022

Book: Acts

News! Years ago in the “ancient days” before today’s barrage of 24-hour news, newspaper boys used to stand on the street corner and shout “Extra, Extra! Read all about it!” That meant in addition to the morning and evening newspapers, some major breaking news had occurred. Publishers printed the “extra” and newsboys shouted for people to buy it.


The Bible also has news to convey and it is worth shouting about. The “news-bearers” are you and me! There’s a piece in Handel’s Messiah which phrases it like this: “Their sound is gone out into all lands.” That is acknowledged by the Apostle Paul in Romans 10:18. The reason the news goes out is that “faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.” (Romans 10:17)


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