The Word of the Lord: The Life and Times of Jeremiah

September 1, 2019

Book: Jeremiah

Sunday begins a new look at a seldom studied book of the Bible, Jeremiah. Jeremiah was a prophet who lived in Judah, the southern part of Israel’s divided kingdom. One hundred thirty years after Israel’s monarchy had begun, the nation divided due to struggle over leadership. The northern kingdom fell to Assyria about 200 years later. When Jeremiah was called by God as prophet at the time of the good king Josiah, (627 B.C.), the southern kingdom was also under threat of being toppled. It was a difficult time, but offers invaluable lessons.


Our study of this book is based on a classic by Eugene Peterson called Run with the Horses: The Quest for Life at its Best. How many of you would like to live life at its best? I would! If you would like to order a book so that you can study along, there will be a signup sheet on Sunday. The CHOIR RETURNS Sunday. Communion will be administered. It’s September. I can’t wait to see you! Sunday School for all ages, 9:15. Worship at 10:30.

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