The Wilderness: Temptation 1

March 12, 2017

Book: Matthew

The Wilderness: Temptation 1

Do you ever feel like you are in the wilderness? Do you feel like you’ve had a long dry spell about what to do with your life? Is your day monotonous, only to play “repeat” tomorrow? You need change but change never comes! There should be a club out there for those of us who are in the wilderness.


Jesus can identify because he, too, experienced the wilderness, where he was tempted by Satan. He had started his ministry, and this was the first event, right after his baptism. He truly did become one of us–experiencing the good and bad of life. Through his battle with Satan we can learn a great deal to help ourselves in our own battles. Do you feel like you’ve had a dry spell and you don’t know what to do with your life? Come Sunday and let’s explore it together. 9:15 Sunday School and 10:30 for worship. For all ages! I can’t wait to see you.

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