The Way to Shalom

October 2, 2022

Book: Matthew

Scripture: Matthew 6:24-34

How do you deal with challenges? How do you step up to opportunities? How do you do this again and again in a world that contains both happiness and hardship? And–whichever your experience, to accept them both as a pathway to peace. This is the challenge we face every week. Sunday during the worship service we will look at Jesus’ words and deeds for guidance into the way of shalom.


Sunday is WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY. We will be one congregation of millions around the world (37m to be exact!) who celebrate the Lord’s Supper during worship. Think about it–every hour, every minute on October 2nd, somebody, somewhere will be taking Holy Communion. We are “one in the bond of love”–Jesus’ love, that is!


To view the full service, CLICK HERE.

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