The Public Me and the Private Me

October 27, 2019

Book: Jeremiah

Hypocrisy is one of those hard things to define but we all know it when we see it. Perhaps that is true because all people struggle with it but we don’t necessarily see it in ourselves! Jesus had a clear way of addressing hypocrisy by drawing us to the root of God’s purpose for us. This week’s lesson is about how to cling to that purpose and not fall into the trap of just “going through the motions.”


It is 4th Sunday and our youth will perform Special Music, with children playing instruments. They have been working on this all month in the Worship Arts Program led by Nyadia Thorpe. Come and support their efforts! Sunday School is at 9:15, always with donuts and coffee. Worship at 10:30. I can’t wait to see you!

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