The Promise

October 9, 2016

Book: Isaiah

When someone says they are going to give you something, do you believe them? Probably it depends on your history with their promise-keeping. Or, it might depend on their reputation. Prophets often see the promises of God, although they may not know the details. That is because a true prophet longs to see God at work so they seek God in prayer, in study of God’s Word, and walking in God’s ways.


Isaiah saw a good outcome for God’s people. But they were not ready for it. This is the “getting ready” period. In fact, that’s exactly where we live today. Come to worship Sunday at 10:30 and we will talk about it. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15. And afterwards, there’s lemonade on the lawn. I can’t wait to see you!


READ: Isaiah 2, Revelation 21:9-14, 22-27

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