The Power of Integrity

January 29, 2017

Mark Twain said about being good: “Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” I bet you agree! Yet God and the teachers in the pages of the Bible continually admonish us to strive for integrity; for goodness. How is that going for you?


King David gives us the inside picture of what the leader of the nation does to identify and internalize personal integrity. Does that statement shock you? Striving for personal goodness seems far down the list of desirables in modern times. Sunday we are going to look at the call for integrity so that we can internalize personal integrity. It’s one of the most beneficial character traits for ourselves and others. Join us at 9:15 for Sunday School for all ages and stages, and 10:30 for worship. We install new deacons CONNIE STEGER and NANCY BERGMAN. I can’t wait to see you!


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