The Integrity of God

February 5, 2017

A long time ago a man wrote a book called Is Your God Too Small?–no, actually, I believe it was Your God IS Too Small, by J. B. Phillips. I didn’t need to read any more of the book than the title to know I needed help!


How about you? Does your God help you when you are overwhelmed? Bring justice when you experience oppression? Healing when you are sick? Food when you are hungry? The truth is, Jesus has brought more of those things to this world than any other leader. Yet he came so humbly. The Psalmist defines His type of love. Praise God, he says! Are you so joyful over your life in the Lord that you praise Him? Let’s learn the secret of trusting God’s integrity, for God never breaks a promise. Worship tomorrow is at 10:30, but before that lively discussions take place in Sunday School at 9:15, with donuts for everyone…NO ONE goes hungry on Sunday morning at First Presbyterian. I can’t wait to see you!


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