The Good Authority of God

October 8, 2017

Series: Daniel

Book: Daniel

Scripture: Daniel 4:1-27

Daniel is once again called in by Nebuchadnezzar, who has had another dream. Once again the dream was quite threatening. Its message scared Daniel, but he has now gotten quite used to putting God ahead of his fears.


The new dream was about who is in charge and who is not. A friend of mine used to remind us all: God is God. And you are not! This seems to be a hard message for many of us. But come to worship tomorrow and we will learn how great that statement really is. It’s about authority. Who’s in charge? Hear STORYTELLERS DUB GUTHRIE AND JOAN BROWN. Sunday School at 9:15–Be sure if you are 18-30ish to try JEFF THORPE’s new class, Friends with God. I can’t wait to see you!


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