The God of Second Chances: Finding Forgiveness

February 19, 2017

Did you ever wonder whether you can “out-sin” God’s forgiveness? You struggle to pray about it, and instead of coming clean you hide it; you condemn yourself. And when you carry all that sin, you find that condemning others for their sins is easy. “Can you believe he/she/they did that?” you say to yourself. Sunday we look into a story where a man sins and then, thinking no one knows, he moves ahead as if nothing has happened. But, God loves him and his victims so much that God says, “Hold on a minute. What’s this? We need to talk.”


We are talking about confession and forgiveness through two stories – one about a man and the other about a woman. JIM STAHL is storyteller. Sunday School at 9:15 for donuts and coffee, followed by Sunday School for all ages. Worship at 10:30. Come hear about your second chance! It’s transforming. I can’t wait to see you!

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