The Church that Received the Holy Spirit

June 4, 2017

Series: 1 Thessalonians

Pentecost. πεντηκοστη. Fifty. The word means the festival celebrated on the 50th day after Passover. Jews from all over gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the gift that God gave them on this day. Are you wondering what gift that was? It was the Word; the law which God gave at Mt. Sinai. On this particular year, God gave another gift: the Holy Spirit. God’s gifts have turned the world upside down–or perhaps I should say, right side up!


The gift of the Holy Spirit is the gift that keeps on giving. Have you enjoyed your gift? Have you even opened it? This Sunday we talk about this magnificent gift and how to open it. We also celebrate our graduates with a reception after worship. Please join us! 9:15 for Sunday School, 10:30 for Worship. I can’t wait to see you!


To watch the Full Service, CLICK HERE.

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