The Church and Passionate Faith

August 21, 2016
The Church and Passionate Faith

What is the greatest miracle in the Christian faith (besides the resurrection of Jesus!)? Many answers could be offered. I thought . . . why the church! The church has existed for nearly 2,000 years. Think about how the church came about. God called Moses to go to Pharaoh, but Moses said, “Who me?” I can’t do that! But God was with him. God called Jonah to preach to Nineveh, but Jonah hated Ninevah and ran the other way. When in “deep waters” he reconsidered and God rescued him! Jesus went to John the Baptist to be baptized but John said, “I’m not worthy!” Jesus said, “You are the one, so let’s do this!” When Jesus was crucified, the disciples scattered. But later, the Holy Spirit empowered them and the world has not been the same since!


Paul wrote a letter to the churches in Rome. Yes, it was one letter to all of them. They knew each other well. At the end of his letter Paul said “Embrace this person, and that person because I love them for their passionate faith!” We are still in the game after all these years because God is good, and God makes our faith stand. Join us Sunday–9:15 for Sunday School and 10:30 for Worship. JANET STAHL TELLS THE STORY. I can’t wait to hear it!


READ: Romans 16 and Isaiah 43:5-13

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