Sound the Trumpet! A Baby Announcement

December 5, 2021

Book: Luke

Scripture: Luke 1:26-35

It’s Advent. We prepare during Advent, personally. We also think about our influence on our city. Worship is designed for this–children participate alongside adults. This Sunday several of our children give a special performance on cajons. They have been taking lessons here for several months. JOIN US FOR THEIR SPECIAL PERFORMANCE!


This week we talk about Mary’s story. Her life definitely took a new turn that she was not expecting! Let’s hear the story. Let’s celebrate what our children are learning.


In the meantime, the online Christmas Auction is underway right on this website. Funds raised go to ministries in this church and around the world. Do some shopping for Christmas and support the ministry of FPCD’s women’s groups. Call the church office if you have questions.


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