Should Christians Submit to the State: Don’t Skip What Doesn’t Make Sense!

February 12, 2017

Book: Romans

Should Christians Submit to the State: Don't Skip What Doesn't Make Sense!

There are some passages in the Bible pastors would just like to avoid! You know the ones–the “shoulds” and “oughts”–the ones that hold all of us accountable. This week’s topic fits into that category. But with God’s Word there is always a fantastic up side; a wonderful benefit of following God’s logic and learning life from God’s perspective. You will also enjoy the testimony of JIM & JANET STAHL and their storytelling ministry.


After worship, enjoy a potluck lunch before our ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING. At this meeting you can ask questions of your FPCD staff and elders, and it is your opportunity to hear their vision as we move forward into 2017. Bring a dish to share, and plan to be there!


Sunday School for all ages and stages of faith at 9:15; worship at 10:30. I can’t wait to see you!

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