Recognizing the Sacrifice

June 6, 2021

Series: Following Jesus

Book: Acts

THIS SUNDAY we WELCOME YOU BACK TO CHURCH! It is such a blessing to be able to worship together! Sunday School has resumed for all ages at 9:15 AM. Worship at 10:30 includes Communion. New directories are available in the narthex. Sign up to volunteer in one of our ministries! We are excited to resume all activities and be together.


The Psalmist says, “GOD is awesome in his SANCTUARY. Join us in our newly renovated Sanctuary for worship as we talk about the reason for church. We will explore what the church did at first, after Pentecost. Did they build a building? Did they reach out to the neighborhood? Who was there and how did the church grow? What was the most important thing to those early believers? Many questions to consider.


After worship, join us for a special luncheon on the lawn after worship to celebrate the Lord’s faithfulness. I can’t wait to see you!



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