Overcoming the Tyranny of the Urgent

March 5, 2017

When you think of limits, what comes to mind? The speed limit? Limited time? A line in the sand? Would you like to have a boss with no limits? That might mean you get unlimited resources to do your job, or it could mean you are expected to work unlimited hours to do more and more!


This Sunday we talk about Jesus’ dinner with two special ladies. One of them pulls out all the stops and sets no limits. Is that what we are expected to do as Christians? How do we find the balance between no limits and passivity? We will talk about it in worship at 10:30– BRENDA EVERETT tells the story. LINDA SIMONS’ Sunday school class leads the Children’s Message. Oh yes, and don’t forget Sunday School begins at 9:15 for all ages and stages of faith. I can’t wait to see you!


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