Overcoming Peer Pressure: The Light of God’s Word

November 20, 2016

Book: Isaiah

How many times have you talked to someone–a youth or child–about peer pressure? You can see it, but can they? How do we avoid those poor influences? It might surprise you that God talks about that very subject to Isaiah. It’s a relevant message to our culture. Also, ANNA MURPHY gives a testimony.


This week you should have received a letter with a Commitment Card to make your pledge for 2017. This Sunday, Commitment Sunday, you will have a time to bring your pledge card. Please fill out the card for this special time of worship. We celebrate THANKSGIVING also, with a special “thankfulness tree.” Then at 6:00 p.m. we enjoy THANKSGIVING DINNER together. Turkey and drinks are provided and you do the rest! Please bring two side dishes, salads, or desserts to feed 12. All are invited. Bring your friends!


READ Isaiah 8 and Ephesians 5:8-17

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