God’s Sublime Law: How Quickly We Forget

June 2, 2019

Book: Deuteronomy

How important is truth? Joshua J. Whitfield quotes Aristotle in a recent article in the Dallas Morning News (May 25, 2019, 16A): Truth is “a compulsion, rooted in human nature, our need to hear and know the truth is ineradicable.” I am glad to hear such words because we humans tend to forget.


Moses wrote down God’s Truth for the people of Israel to carry in their hearts and live out in their lives as they entered the Promised Land. It was so important that their entire success in the land hung on it. We talk about this most relevant subject during Sunday Worship at 10:30. Come early and enjoy Sunday school (coffee and donuts!) for all ages at 9:15.


YOUTH CONFIRMATION BEGINS 6/5, 5:30-6:30 p.m. I can’t wait to see you!

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