God’s Intentional Act of Kindness

November 27, 2016

Topic: Advent

God's Intentional Act of Kindness

You’ve heard the saying, a random act of kindness. Anne Herbert claims to have coined it when she wrote it on a place mat at a Sausalito restaurant in the ’80s. I think it’s cute. But, what if we thought of acts of kindness not as random, but rather, intentional? Wouldn’t that make them important, even significant because they were thought out and someone followed through?


Sunday we discover that God always works with a plan. You might say God is intentional at all times. Isaiah comes through with a huge surprise in the midst of darkness in Isaiah 9. It’s like a sheer beam of light in the darkness of divided and troubled political times. Perhaps it is an act that will shine light on us too, in 2016. Join us at 9:15 for Sunday School and 10:30 for Worship. I can’t wait to see you!


READ Isaiah 9:1-7 and Luke 2:9-11, John 3:16-21

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