God’s Broken Heart

October 16, 2016

Book: Isaiah

Country music artists often sing of “love gone wrong.” Every country song with that theme is filled with emotion of all kinds. Do you ever think of God as emotional? Isaiah assures us that God is indeed emotional. In fact, we can posit that the emotions we feel and act out are expressions of our being made in God’s image. God feels strongly. Isaiah does not hold back. He tells it like he sees it.


This week we see the coming results of God’s people having forsaken God–it’s not a happy picture. But, certainly as we hear the story and reflect on our own lives, we gain great hope that we might do differently. Sunday is POTLUCK SUNDAY. So bring a dish to share, right after worship, which is at 10:30. Sunday School is at 9:15 for all ages. I can’t wait to see you!


READ Isaiah 5 and Luke 13:34 and Luke 19:41-44

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