Focusing on the Main Thing

May 7, 2017

Book: Acts

Can you imagine how it must have felt for Jesus to have been resurrected? Can you imagine what it must have felt like to walk around those familiar places where he had lived, taught, worked, and engaged with others? Can you imagine what it was like to eat a fish, show your scars, cook for your friends, and help them understand that all those Old Testament prophesies had come true? That’s what he talked about. That’s what he did.


That’s not all.


Jesus also gave us a job to do. The job is for every believer, and the job has major rewards. There’s cost, too–but everything worthwhile has costs. Let’s talk about it Sunday. Worship service with communion at 10:30. Sunday School beforehand at 9:15 for all ages and stages of faith. I can’t wait to see you!


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