Faith without Fear Gains Reward

May 17, 2020

Topic: Prayer

To view the whole service from this week, CLICK HERE.

Do you ever wonder how long it takes to get an answer to your prayer? Do you have an expectation that it will be answered? Does God have a timeline? Is there an expiration date? What can we bank on? It seems answers do not always come with regular, expected guarantees! Does this make you hesitate to risk prayer?

In last week’s Scripture, Nehemiah prayed “Give me success today.” And the day passed. Then another, and another. We don’t know his thoughts about it. This week we join him 3-4 months later to see the outcome. Was his risk worth it? I don’t want to spoil the surprise! So join us for Worship at 10:30–either ONLINE or IN HOUSE! Protocols will be kept to keep you safe, should you choose to attend on-property. One way or the other, we can’t wait to see you. Prepare to be amazed!

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