Faith that Matters

September 18, 2016

Book: Isaiah

If you read a local newspaper or keep up with Yahoo (or some other) News, you will see reports on the health of companies. “Sears closing a whole bunch of KMart stores” one headline reads. You might have heard similar reports about churches, such as “Church attendance declining across denominations.” It is true. More churches close now–10,000 estimated in 2015. The wise congregation faces reality and regroups. After Peter declared “Jesus is the Son of the Living God” Jesus replied, “On this Rock I will build my church, and Hades will not prevail against it.”


In times past it seemed that God’s kingdom was declining. At the time of Isaiah many of God’s people had turned away from their faith. But through spiritual leaders God’s people took a look at reality and regrouped. They revisited the basics and it helped people greatly. We at First Presbyterian are doing just that. What is it in church that feeds us? What helps us be the Rock that Jesus talks about? That’s the subject for this Sunday. Join us for Sunday School at 9:15 for all ages, and Worship at 10:30. Remember, NO POTLUCK tomorrow! DEACON’S DINNER IS COMING SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, RIGHT AFTER WORSHIP! I can’t wait to see you!


READ: Isaiah 51:1-6 and Luke 6:43-49

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