Enforcement Through Education

July 24, 2016

Series: Guest Speakers

Book: Romans

Scripture: Romans 13:1-5

When you think about American culture, what comes to mind? Is your idea of our cultural identity shaped by politics? The media? The values of your particular lifestyle? In the past three weeks we have talked about the “culture” of the Christian faith. Gary Simons describes it as “faith and love.” Carol Orwig describes it as a culture of beautifully diverse people who get along. Jeff Thorpe describes it as the place where our thirst is filled by Jesus. Yet, our culture in recent weeks has been marked not by fulfillment and shalom, but by violence and division.


This week, Officer Louis Chapman of the Duncanville Police Department speaks on how the community, the church, and law enforcement connects. This topic is relevant for all ages and I hope everyone attends. Begin with Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 and enjoy plenty of donuts! Worship begins at 10:30, followed by Lemonade on the Lawn. Can’t wait to see you!


READ Romans 13:1-5

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