Children’s Christmas Musical 2016

December 11, 2016

Topic: Advent, Children

Book: Isaiah

Scripture: Isaiah 11:10-16

Did you ever wonder how worship services are planned? Are they formal or informal? Who does what part? Do you have to be a member or part of the church staff? At First Presbyterian we believe everyone should be involved. So once a month, on the 4th Sunday, the youth lead the service. This week the children present a Christmas Musical called Aaron, the Allergic Shepherd, along with Youth Director Ross Shipman and the youth. It’s young and it’s fun to discover the story of Jesus through their eyes. Join us for this special presentation. 10:30 Worship. Sunday School at 9:15 for all ages.


Saturday 12/17 – FPCD Choir sings at Ben Franklin Kitchen’s Deli on Main St. at 1:00 p.m.

SUNDAY 12/18/16 – The FPCD Choir presents “A Christmas Masterpiece” by Tom Fettke, with storytellers DUB GUTHRIE, JOAN BROWN, ADELMO RUIZ, AND EDELMIRA RUIZ.

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE, Saturday, December 24 – This family-friendly service begins at 6:00 p.m.

CHRISTMAS DAY WORSHIP SERVICE, Sunday December 25, 11:00 a.m. Children may bring a toy and wear their p.j.’s. No Sunday School.


READ Isaiah 11:10-16

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