Blessings: The Best Sermon Ever

January 15, 2017

Book: Ephesians

Think back to the greatest sermon you’ve ever heard. Was it given by a famous preacher? Was it at a crowd-packed auditorium? Do you remember the title? Did it change your life? This week the subject matter is Blessings. Blessings is a catchword for Christians yet how often we forget. But this week as the sermon unfolded what kept coming to mind was “this is the best sermon ever!”


I’m not blowing my own horn. It actually has little to do with the sermon itself and everything to do with God’s long-range, well-thought-out, eons-ago planning for blessing for you and me, God’s people all over the world. Show me the blessing, you might say! It has not that much to do with the things you can see but everything about what God has been doing for you. Come to worship on Sunday, 10:30, and we will talk about it. There’s a CONGREGATIONAL MEETING immediately afterwards to elect new deacons. Following that, enjoy a POTLUCK LUNCH. I can’t wait to see you!


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