Beware, the devil Quotes Scripture

March 19, 2017

Book: Matthew

Satan continued to test Jesus. Since Jesus is fully human, we can expect the same kinds of tests in our lives. At the same time, Jesus is also fully divine, so his response to the test informs our responses. How blessed we are to have his example. The second test involves the challenge of who and what is at the center of what we do.


I hate to spoil the temptation and the solution to it, so let’s lay it out like this: it lies somewhere between desiring something and whining that you do not have it. For example–I want that new pair of designer shoes, special jacket, sports car, but (whine, whine) my husband, boyfriend, parent, etc. has not gotten it for me. I want that important job, but (whine, whine) I didn’t get it because . . . Do you ever wish you could force God’s hand?


This Sunday we talk about life’s tests so do not delay, plan to attend today! 9:15 for Sunday School and 10:30 Worship. After worship, stay for a celebration of Roy Jensen’s 90th birthday! Lunch is provided. I can’t wait to see you!


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