A Story Better Than YouTube!

November 28, 2021

Book: Isaiah

Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-9

This Advent Season, Pastor Ginger is preaching a series called Coming Home for Christmas. The series actually began last week with the Book of Ruth, telling some of the history of Christ’s lineage, but will continue this Sunday as we focus on the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth. Sean, Lucy, and Logan Russell will act out the story in two dramatic presentations, and Pastor Ginger will give the message.


We encourage you in this season to invite your friends and families to join us for worship – this will be a really special time of drawing near to the Lord. Each Sunday, we will also have a Children’s Message. Our children will have the opportunity to come to the front of the church and learn more about Christmas and the Advent Season, as well as participate in the lighting of our Advent wreath.


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