A Conversion Experience

June 13, 2021

Series: Following Jesus

Book: Acts

The Old Testament tells about the activity of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit hovered over the waters of the earth in Genesis. The Spirit came upon prophets and they prophesied. The Spirit sounds like the whirring of wheels. The Spirit’s wings flutter. In the New Testament the Holy Spirit appeared as “tongues of fire.” Paul later calls the Holy Spirit the “Spirit of Christ” and the “Spirit of God.” Just how the Holy Spirit works we do not know, but we do know that something happens in the presence of the Holy Spirit.


Philip, who was a deacon in the very first church, experienced the Spirit big time as he was led here and there to share the good news with all kinds of people. This week he is sent to an important dignitary from a foreign country. It was a chance meeting–or was it? Let’s talk about it Sunday at 10:30. BRENDA EVERETT tells the story.  All Sunday School classes are now open and in person at 9:15. I can’t wait to see you!



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