September 26, 2010 – Believer Lifestyle

How do you define people? In thinking of your friends you might introduce someone by saying, “Meet Joe. He’s a baseball player.” Or, This is James. He plays the trumpet.” Or, “Meet our new co-worker. He’s written a book on anthropology.” Immediately you know something about the life and probably the “culture” of these new friends.

What if you were introduced to someone like this. “Meet Alice. She’s a Christian.” Would you know something about her life? What defines Christians? What universal values do they have? The book of Acts tells us right up front what is important in the life of believers. I’m not so sure that’s always clear these days, but as we explore it, perhaps it will encourage us to live into the values of our faith. These values are uplifting, exciting, and downright miraculous. Come to church Sunday and let’s discuss it.

Worship happens at 10:30. Sunday School at 9:15 for all ages. See you then!

To prepare read Acts 2:41-47, Acts 4:32-35

READ THE SERMON: Believer Lifestyle


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