September 11, 2011 – We Remember

At FPCD we remember. We remember the horror of hate that the attack displayed. But more, we remember the heroes who stepped in, often at the cost of their own lives. We remember the hope of new babies being born over the next months, pointing to the fact that God hates death and always brings life out of tragedy, when we place ourselves in God’s hands. Our hope at FPCD is that everyone touched by the tragedy do just that.

This Sunday we also begin a new song – the song of Beginnings in Genesis One. Certainly people hold many theories about how the world began. What does the Bible have to say? We won’t be looking at it as if it offers a scientific view. Nor is the Bible story a historic view. The Bible is vastly more than either of those. Come join us for the study of God. It’s a fascinating study about a magnificent Person. See you there! 10:30.

READ Genesis 1 and Matthew 8:23-27.

READ THE SERMON: God’s Voice Sings Over Us



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