September 6, 2009 ESTHER SERIES, Week Five: Our Faithful God

Do we have to see God to know God is here? In Esther, we “see” the magnificent faithfulness of God as God saves the children of Israel from annihilation, yet God isn’t even mentioned. Nevertheless, God’s unseen presence is at work – reaching down to rescue and restore people in surprising, miraculous ways.

The things God did in Esther’s story reflect God’s nature. King David tried to describe it in Psalm 103 when he said, “God forgives and heals, and redeems your life from the pit . . .”   These words are born of personal experiences with God. Sunday we will explore this Psalm to see the amazing love our God has for us.

To prepare, read Psalm 103 and ask yourself this question:

  • This Psalm is a personal invitation to be loved, and to have a vital role in the world for and with God. Will you accept the invitation?

READ THE SERMON:  Our Faithful God


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