November 16, 2008 – Hold It Loose: The Test of Lordship

This week’s Scripture, Genesis 22:1-14, is the hardest text in the Bible. Right up front we read God gave a test. Tests usually cause anxiety – do I know the material well enough? Will I pass the test? If we imagine ourselves called to this test like Abraham, certainly every one of us might be anxious.

This particular test is especially hard because it boils down to who is in charge. Sometimes we would rather throw in the towel than endure through that test. In fact, the test of lordship is why we often get scared of God. But while the test pushes us beyond our comfort zone, as we let go of our own desires we notice an amazing thing. God provides; God is faithfully there, and helps us through it. Do not be surprised then, by tests of faith. Through them we experience God is graciously faithful, and we learn we are stronger than we think.

Read the Sermon: Hold It Loose – The Test of Lordship


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