May 9, 2010 – How to Meet God

How do you meet God? Have you ever thought about that question? If Moses was with us today, I think he would say it’s very easy, God just shows up; you will know it when it happens. In this Sunday’s story, Moses and the Israelites return to the mountain where Moses first met God. So much had happened since that day. What a reunion it would be. I imagine Moses standing in awe at that very place and saying to God, “Wow. You did it! You brought us through.”

Do you trust God to bring you through, whatever your circumstances? If you do, you will find in the process that you get to know God in a special way. How do you meet God? Seek Him. Come to church and learn. Read your Bible. Pray. At First Presbyterian Church Duncanville you have that opportunity every week. Try it out right now by reading Exodus 19. Then join us on Sunday and prepare yourself for the greatest meeting of your life. See you there!

READ THE SERMON: How to Meet God


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