March 21, 2010 – This is Our God Who Goes to War for Us

Have you ever thought of God showing up to fight for you? Most of us probably do not have that image of God. Perhaps we even think of God as reluctant to help us, or think of God’s willingness to help us as being dependent on our own devotion. The series of plagues in Exodus teach exactly the opposite.

Pharaoh continued to resist Moses’ demands to release the Israelites, but God was determined to free them. The Israelites had not done anything special to warrant it. It was God’s sealing a deal made long ago with Abraham. God was making a great nation. These plagues validated God’s power to accomplish it. The faith of God’s children was formed as they watched God fight for them. What forms your faith? Hopefully it is seeking the presence and power of God in your own life. Let’s learn how to tap into the presence and power together. This Sunday. See you then!

READ THE SERMON: This is Our God Who Goes to War for Us


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