Preview – June 13, 2010

“Even when opportunity knocks, a man still has to get up off his seat and open the door.” The author remains anonymous . . . he or she missed the opportunity for recognition! God gives people opportunities to be involved in their faith. That’s quite a gift; especially when you learn God’s invitation always involves what you love to do best.

Just believing something doesn’t really do that much for you. But experience transforms. It’s doing something that brings joy. I love it every time I get up to preach because I love to teach. And, I can see what others in our congregation love to do, too. We see the fruit of their labors in our church. Do you think of God as someone who enables you to do what you love, and even enhances what you do beyond what you can imagine? Come hear how that happens. It’s good news! See you Sunday morning, 10:30. Our Storyteller is DORIS METZGER.

To prepare READ Exodus 25:1-9, Exodus 31:1-11

READ THE SERMON: What Makes a Healthy Church?


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