August 30, 2009 ESTHER SERIES – Week Four: Living Into Our God-Given Authority

As a nation, we give authority to many people. Police officers have authority; teachers have authority, the government has authority. You may not always agree with decisions that are made by those in authority; nevertheless, some sort of authoritarian structure makes life work a little better.

But have you ever thought of your authority as a believer in God? In Esther 8-10, Esther and Mordecai suddenly find tremendous authority placed on their shoulders to counter an edict for the annihilation of the Jews. How will they handle it? Who will guide them?

This Sunday we will explore God’s desire for us to be passionately active in this world to defend the helpless and hopeless. Come hear the rest of the story as told by storytelling expert, JIM STAHL. It will be exciting, I assure you!

To prepare read Esther 8-10. See you Sunday!

READ THE SERMON:  Living Into Our God-Given Authority


One response to “August 30, 2009 ESTHER SERIES – Week Four: Living Into Our God-Given Authority”

  1. I have so enjoyed and appreciated hearing God’s story via the weekly storytellers–it has added a new dimension to the familiar passages.

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