October 4, 2009 – Who is Jesus? Teacher, Healer, Exorcist . . . Savior


Taking a minute to think about it, what is your favorite story about Jesus? I’ve asked this question of several people this week. Most of them find it somewhat of a struggle to recount a particular story. Jesus is well-known in our North American culture because of Christmas and Easter celebrations, yet Richard Peace says, “Knowledge about Jesus is pretty minimal,” (Holy Conversation, p. 51).

Jesus is the very center of the good news Christians have to share. Our challenge is to get to know Him really well so we can share who He is, that Jesus is God become human. This Sunday we will talk about the amazing wonder of Jesus who is God come to earth, and how the one in the Bible is the same One who lives in our lives today.

To prepare read: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26; Isaiah 53; and Holy Conversation, chapter 4

Ask yourself: What is my favorite story about Jesus? How is Jesus alive in my life in the same way?

READ THE SERMON:  Who is Jesus? Teacher, Healer, Exorcist . . . Savior


One response to “October 4, 2009 – Who is Jesus? Teacher, Healer, Exorcist . . . Savior”

  1. ed2tall Avatar

    Here is my answers to your questions.

    Ask yourself: What is my favorite story about Jesus?

    All of his stories are great. What I noticed when reading the story’s in the Bible, they are all about helping others and not expecting anything in return. Our focuses in our daily lives is helping others and pray to God that others will do the same like, “play it forward.” I now understand why my mother wanted me to start reading the Bible.

    How is Jesus alive in my life in the same way?

    I feel more connected now than ever before. When I pray, I notice a calm presence after praying. Seeing results after praying is amazing. I sleep better because I know God is looking down on me. I feel his protection when I am out walking or driving. The music that I listen to is now Christian music not country that I have been listening to since 1980. The change just happens over night. The Christian music is positive where Country is depressing.

    Ed Everett

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