October 30, 2011 – Step by Step Hope Unfolds

Has someone ever done something extraordinary for you? Have you ever had the sense of being so grateful to that someone you would do just about anything for them? Has your life been changed by something you experienced and you really became a new person because of it? This sort of thing happens. And, it happened in the Bible. The change agent was God. Noah walked with Him. It led Noah on the greatest life-changing adventure of his life. Come experience the miracle of walking with God. 10:30 Sunday, or 9:15 if you want to have a casual conversation in the Fellowship Hall. See you then! READ Genesis 8.

READ THE SERMON:  Step by Step Hope Unfolds


One response to “October 30, 2011 – Step by Step Hope Unfolds”

  1. Has someone ever done something extraordinary for you?

    My daughter Jocelyn got our family involved with Habitat helping build homes. At the time I thought cool, Grant could learn a trade but is was more than that. Going out to a job site, meeting the family that was helping with us. Seeing their faces, so happy that their dreams were coming true. The feeling is so great that money can’t buy. God was working through Jocelyn to get us to serve him.

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