October 23, 2011 – How to Hear God’s Call

Have you sensed a call from God? Perhaps that thought is foreign to you. Would someone really hear from God? How would you know? Yet the Bible tells us God calls us to do some things. God called Adam and Eve to care for the earth. God called Noah to build a big boat. Noah heard the call because he “walked with God.” That means he had faith and he acted it out in his lifestyle. This week we talk about what it means to be called by God.

Some amazing things happened for Noah and his family as a result of living by faith and following God’s call. The choir will sing a special anthem written by the Rev. Dr. John Hartley, pastor of St Luke’s Church, Eccleshill, in Bradford, United Kingdom. John has faith and walks with God. He writes music. That is his call from God – a call that certainly blesses us!

Read Genesis 7,  Romans 1:16-32,  1 Corinthians 6:15-20,  1 Corinthians 2:9, 12,  1 John 5:10-12

READ THE SERMON:  How to Hear God’s Call



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